
How Strategic Communication Benefits Senior Healthcare Management

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“There’s always room for improvement no matter what.” 

~Ali Krieger  

Hand Holding 1


Transitioning the healthcare of our loved ones to the next clinician requires effective Hand-off Communication. Transitioning medical information involves caregivers who often serve as senders and receivers in the transitioning process known as the hand-off process

Effective communication between caregivers is critical to avoid senior medical errors, prevent treatment delays, inappropriate treatment, and lessen hospital time.   

Many factors such as insufficient or misleading information, ineffective communication methods, lack of time, and poor timing between caregiver-senders and caregiver-receiver contribute to communication breakdowns that put transitioning seniors in danger. Communicating too early or too late puts your loved safety at risk.

When caregivers-sender and receiver fail to communicate at the appropriate time, meaningful information and changes can be overlooked. 


Here are 3 Caregiver- Communication Strategies That Benefits Senior Healthcare Management

Learn caregiver’s communication and management styles. They decide when, how, and what to communicate with other caregivers, often depending on how management makes decisions and how they communicate.   

Learn how management communicates and relates to your healthcare team providers. Some managers can make decisions unilaterally and frequently without much regard from their team. 

Try to find or choose a democratic- caregiver- management style. For example, caregivers are allowed to take part in the decision-making before everything is agreed upon. 

Our GYC Senior Care Family believes adequate- caregiver communication and communication advocacy should consistently be enforced. We know the communication process is complex, and it gets more complicated with different communication-management styles. Fortunately, our GYC Senior Caregiver Family is here to serve and work as a team alongside you to provide you with the answers needed to help find the best communication strategies and care services your loved one deserves. 


Our GYC skilled personal care team and registered and licensed nurses are always happy to answer any questions or concerns. 

GYC Senior Care exists to serve! Learn more at www.gycseniorcare.com or call (847) 410-2126. 

 For more GYC senior-related personalized blogs, visit www.gycseniorcare.com/blog/



Hands-Off Communications 

Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture 

Human Relations Theory of Management

Scientific Management Theory vs. Human Relation Theory


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