
5 Technology Tools that can Enhance Health and Safety in Seniors

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Recently, health and safety have been major concerns for the average American, especially seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our daily habits of running errands and gathering with friends and family have changed in unprecedented ways. Now more than ever, we rely on technology to keep us entertained, connected, and safe.

With the help of technology, seniors can now feel more in control of their health and safety during this uncertain time. Below are five technology tools that GYC Senior Care suggests can reinforce health and safety in seniors. 


1. Smart Watches/Activity Trackers

Smartwatches and activity trackers are used primarily by young active adults and athletes interested in maintaining their physique. In recent years, these tools have developed incredible features such as sleep tracking, step tracking, distance traveled, calories burned, and even heart rate monitoring. Although these trackers are very useful for young adults, AARP reported the use of activity trackers amongst older adults (50+ years old) increases motivation for healthier living by 45%, and 46% of older adults reported being more active, sleeping better, or eating healthier. Popular brands are the Apple Watch Series 3, Fitbit Activity Tracker, and the Garmin Vivofit Fitness Band.



2. Health Enhancing Mobile Apps

Hand in hand with Smartwatches and activity trackers, many mobile apps help users be more mindful of their lifestyle. Some apps focus on health care and appointments, brain training, exercise, and fitness, while others focus on healthy eating, sleep, and women’s health. Many mobile applications have also developed incredible features and some with seniors in mind. A few good apps are Luminosity, Health Engine, Sleep Cycle, and Headspace. These apps help seniors feel more in the present and in control of their health.



3. E-Readers

Reading is another calm and grounding activity that can enhance seniors’ health. E-Readers such as the kindle make reading accessible with their large font sizes and simple navigation. They are lightweight and can be taken virtually anywhere. Psychology Today reported that reading could strengthen the mental ability and by reducing memory decline by 30%, and seniors that actively read show fewer physical signs of dementia. In addition to health benefits, engaging with stories and characters is a great way to connect with others. Often feelings of loneliness can lead to other negative emotions such as anxiety and frustration; however, feeling connected to characters and plot lines can relieve some of these emotions.



4. Smart Speakers

As a technological tool, smart speakers have multiple features that could enhance seniors’ health and safety. Smart speakers can set reminders for things such as birthdays and dinner time, set timers for cooking, set alarms for critical times of the day, play music on demand, and even turn your lights off/on and change the temperature on your thermostat if integrated correctly. Smart speakers can be a great help for seniors who experience loneliness or who have a difficult time remembering certain things.


Click here to read about the cognitive benefits of background music on seniors.


5. Video Calling/ Facetime

In times of social distancing, video calling has become essential for Seniors to feel connected to their families and friends. Video calls can serve as a tool to enhance seniors’ health and safety, providing a feeling of companionship. Anita’s Angels reported that video calling could have a positive psychological impact on Seniors by helping them combat depression, loneliness, and isolation. 


In times of difficulty, we understand the negative emotions that could affect our seniors like sadness and solitude. Here at GYC Senior Care, our main concern is our seniors’ health and safety. We do our best to assist our seniors with anything they may need. We know that they can count on us as a part of their family.


Learn more at www.gycseniorcare.com or call (847) 410-2126.

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