
4 Ways To Improve Blood Circulation for Seniors

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Poor circulation is a relatively common problem for seniors and can manifest as anything from cold feet to digestive problems. 

As people get older, the blood vessels become thicker, making it more difficult for fluids to flow. The water in your cells also decreases, causing the volume of the blood to fall. 

If you want to learn how to improve circulation, it’s worth trying these 4 tactics for the best all-around care.

1. Diet and Exercise

The more a person exercises, the more they give the blood a chance to travel to the outermost extremities. 

Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult to be effective either — it can be as simple as taking more walks. Even people in wheelchairs can practice aerobics that will improve their circulation. 

Seniors should also be watching the nutrients and vitamins they consume. Plants like cayenne peppers, garlic, and cinnamon may help naturally thin the blood, making it easier to move blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

2. Work with Water

Water therapy can mean anything from taking a hot bath to applying ice wrapped in a towel. Simply applying a hot water bottle to the hands and feet will certainly warm a person up, but it may not improve the circulation. 

For hydrotherapy to be effective, you may need to constrict the blood vessels with a cold water application before expanding them with a hot water application. This practice is particularly helpful if you’re looking to improve a senior’s arm or leg circulation.

3. Elevate

It may seem counterintuitive to elevate certain parts of the body to improve circulation. Instead of making the blood work harder, it can actually encourage blood flow through the veins and reduce the odds of a clot. 

For the best results, you’ll need a pillow that’s designed to keep the legs above the heart and prevent blood from pooling in calves. You’re looking to move blood back to the heart, so it can be redistributed from there. 

If you’re searching for how to improve leg circulation in the elderly, this tip can do wonders.

4. Compress

Compression clothing and elevation are the two main tips for anyone who’s unlikely to make exercise a more regular habit. 

From stockings to arm sleeves, compression pieces are meant to tighten around the extremities in such a way that gently pushes the blood to the body’s core. This particular tactic may be uncomfortable at first for a senior, but it’s worth the initial annoyance for healthier circulation. 

Compression clothing can also decrease swelling of the body tissue and control or eliminate the threat of varicose veins.

Understanding the Blood

The actual response of a person will depend on everything from their body chemistry to their overall health. 

If you’re working with a senior who has exacerbating medical conditions, such as diabetes or obesity, you may need to monitor their blood pressure more regularly. 

A home blood pressure monitor can help keep track of any changes in circulation that could prove more threatening than mere annoyances like cold hands.


Hire a private Home Nurse 

Hiring a private nurse for your loved one will give them the benefit of having someone closely monitoring their health as well as promoting healthy habits/activities. Call (847) 641-2737 to learn more about our private home nursing services 

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